Lady Elizabeth
About Me

CNA at the computerYou want to know about me? You are a very brave soul. I have the heart of a warrior, but have spent the past few years caring for others. It is personally rewarding helping others improve their lives or assisting them in the process of moving into a new dimension and leaving this world. The industry, for the most part, undervalues the field staff so that most of the field staff is extremely underpaid. However, I have stayed and look forward to my next business association. The company for which I have been working closed my division on July 31, 2003 in order to focus on hospice care. Time for another change.

Things happen for a purpose and spirit has been telling me since the beginning of 2002 that there would be major changes in my life and that it could be easy or difficult . . . my choice. Well, you can figure that out because I didn't make the change until it was absolutely necessary. This is another learning process.

Pink Rose This is still a learning process. It's just that I have now been transferred to another office which isn't as long a commute. Thank you, God, for this blessing.

I began writing web pages January 1997 and thoroughly enjoy it. I then began working with Paint Shop Pro and it opened the possibilities.

My goal is to be working in a people oriented business helping to make this world a better place. A company with a good line of communication and employee support is more productive and creates a positive environment.

Prior work experience involved doing accounting for a variety of businesses:

  • Construction
  • Perfume and cosmetics
  • Major beverage corporation
  • Paint company
  • Major retailer
  • Federal government
Public Service
Elysium Gates
Muse Calliope and Muse Thalia
May 2001 - Present
Minister or Community Guide
June 1998 - August 2000
  • A volunteer assisting residents resolve web site problems, graphic design, midi music, page counters, forms, etc. We at Elysium Gates weave caring and purpose into the net.
  • I was the coordinator for multiple special interest groups with
Other Work Experience
Conducted Census 2000 field work locating citizens who did ot receive forms. Other accounting experience includes working with manual bookkeeping systems through financial reports, payroll and all associated taxes, and sales tax reporting.

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My persoal life has been related throughout Shekinah, but there is always more than the specifics discussed, such as my Near Death Experience, where I reside, or my ideas about Love and Romance. Life is a journey . . . not a destination.

I spent my early early years in Colorado, then attended six diffrent elementary schools because my Dad was in the Air Force. We then moved back to Colorado where I graduated from high school. I was never fond of school until high school. What a change in my life. It was so much fun!

I have since been married four times and have two sons, Robert (a musician) whose web site is at Atmos Trio and resides in California and Kelly who resides in Colorado. I have a beautiful granddaughter and two grandsons. These people bring a great deal of joy into my life and I wish that I could spend more time with them.

2003 was a particularly challenging year for me in many ways. I had to change jobs, my automobile is getting beyond repair, and I may have to locate a new place to reside. The difficult part will be locating new homes for Salem and Max, two of my marvelous and loving felines. I just keep remembering that God will not give me more difficult tasks than I can deal with or accomplish. Things simply change every day and God loves me, too.

2004 is a year of change. I have relocated and Max adopted a new human . . . he chose her. Princess and Salem have moved with me and are adjusting to their new surroundings very well. There will be many other changes this year but things will all work out with Gods' love and blessing.

I have returned to being an in-home health care CNA/CHHA and the work is rewarding in many ways . . . it's always wonderful to be in a position to help maintain/improve another person's quality of life.

I will add more to this short saga as time allows.

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A New Direction

I'm not sure where I'm going,
But I sure know where I've been,
I've traveled down some long roads,
That I'll never take again.

I've passed up opportunities,
Walked past doors standing open for me,
Trying to be what others needed,
Not really knowing what I should be.

I'm a woman with needs and desire,
With yesterdays howling out at me,
I'm reaching for a new tomorrow,
There's so many things I want to see.

I'm not sure where I'm going,
Just following dreams along the way,
Wishing on stars in the midnight sky,
Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

I've passed up good times,
Cryed whe n I should have laughed instead,
That's nothing but a painful memory,
For the past is now long dead.

I'm a woman with a heart on fire,
Burning to give my love freely away,
Tomorrow's still so far out of sight,
I'm going to live like this is my last day.

I'm not sure where I'm going,
But I sure know where I've been,
I've learned with each mistake I've made,
I won't travel the same paths again.

© Dianna Doles Petry
March 2006
Short Stories and Poetry

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There is no good enough reason to
ever feel we are a failure.
No matter how hard we fall, God is
there to restore our spirit and
forgive our past.
Lord, help me to understand that it
is this moment that counts, not the
last one and with each new moment,
I have a new beginning.

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Shekinah created and maintained by Lady Elizabeth
Web set designed by Moon and Back Graphics
The Earth Element and Healer images were adopted from DHF

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